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Upcoming Events for Alumni and Friends

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Upcoming Activities

Free Drawing and Painting Sessions

Free Drawing and Painting Sessions

Attention Peacocks…join us for FREE drop-in figure drawing/painting sessions! Hosted by Oliva Beebly, an adjunct professor in Illustration and CCS Alumna (’19, IL), the sessions take place on Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Room W309 Floor of the Walter B. Ford II Building.

Poses vary from long to short and nude and costume poses alternate every other week. Digital and traditional mediums are welcome for this non-instructed offering. Drawing horses, easels, and boards are available for use. Free parking is available in the CCS structure located on Brush St. for alumni.

Come back and paint and draw with us!

Every Saturday until April 27, with sessions resuming June 8. Follow @ccssaturdayfigure for the full summer schedule and information about the sessions.

Room W309 (3rd floor Walter B. Ford II Building) 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

No pre-registration needed, sign in with the QR code.

Alumni News

Find some of the latest Alumni news here. Want to keep CCS up-to-date on what’s new with you? Let us know by updating your information.

CCS Alumna Taylor Childs ’17 CR Weaves Family and Culture into Detroit’s Art Scene

CCS Alumna Taylor Childs ’17 CR Weaves Family and Culture into Detroit’s Art Scene

“We spoke to Taylor Childs on the eve of ArtClvb’s ‘Art Fair’, a weekend-long event showcasing the work of emerging and mid-career artists. Taylor says she regards the work as an act of reverence towards the family members ‘filling in the gap’, working to balance black family structures affected by colonization.”

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What else can we help you with?
Feel free to email us at [email protected] or call 313-664-7462.