Alumni Benefits
Continuing EducationÂ
Receive a 20% discount on continuing education courses at CCS.
Youth and Teen Program Enrichment
Children of CCS alumni are eligible for free before and after program enrichment for CCS youth and teen summer programs. Enter Alumni Discount code ALUMNIKID at checkout.
CCS Bookstore
Receive a 20% discount on select products at the CCS bookstore.
Invitations to receptions, openings and artist talks
Looking for some creative inspiration or a chance to connect with other artists? CCS Alumni have access to all types of events year-round.  Stay up to date on the latest here.
Be sure to update your contact information to ensure you’re receiving the latest news, invites and updates.
Continued access to your CCS email
Continue enjoying access to your CCS email account by completing the Continued Access to CCS email request form. Your account includes 100 GB of storage.
Important: Reduce your account size below 100 GB by September 3, 2024, to avoid compromised access. Check your usage and find large files using via Google Drive Quota.
Access to CCS Libraries
Alumni have continued access to the library’s resources and borrowing privileges.
More information about how to access alumni library privileges.
Career Development
All Alumni have access to career support through the Office of Partnerships. This support includes access to Handshake, one-on-one career coaching, the ability to join the CCS portfolio site and access to our extensive career resources, especially for artists and designers. For more information on how to take advantage of these resources contact [email protected].
Share your work
Submit your artwork for an opportunity to be included in the annual Re/View: CCS Alumni Exhibition. Watch your email, social media and website for the call for entries around January each year.
Sell your work at Noel Night Alumni and Student Art Sale. The call for artists is shared in October through email, social media and the website.
Tag us on CCS Alumni Social Media #CCSAlumni.
Mentorship opportunities
Help a current student by becoming a career and networking volunteer.
To request your transcript, please visit our transcript request form.
Contact Us
To update your information:
What else can we help you with?
Feel free to email us at [email protected] or call 313.664.7462.